rowing mistakes

Rowing mistakes


Sliding stroke mistake Sliding stroke
rowing Wiper stroke mistake Wiper stroke
rowing Apple pie with whipped cream syndrome mistake Apple pie with whipped cream syndrome
rowing Slouching mistake Slouching
rowing Spine movement mistake Spine movement
rowing No core stability (and balance) mistake No core stability (and balance)
rowing Badly looking back mistake Badly looking back
rowing Incorrect placed footplate mistake Incorrect placed footplate
rowing Incorrect swivel height mistake Incorrect swivel height


rowing Washing out mistake Washing out
rowing Blade turn out mistake Blade turn out
rowing Sticky handle(s) mistake Sticky handle(s)
rowing Sticky trunk mistake Sticky trunk
rowing Pulling up the shoulders mistake Pulling up the shoulders


rowing Too little body over mistake Too little body over
rowing Too far body over mistake Too far body over
rowing Sliding too early mistake Sliding too early
rowing Sliding the blades over the water mistake Sliding the blades over the water
rowing Systematically tapping the water mistake Systematically tapping the water
rowing Blade dive flight mistake Blade dive flight
rowing No water-free recovery mistake No water-free recovery
rowing Insufficient swivel pressure mistake Insufficient swivel pressure
rowing Late squaring mistake Late squaring
rowing Uncontrolled sliding mistake Uncontrolled sliding
rowing Not sliding far enough mistake Not sliding far enough
rowing Dive into the boat mistake Dive into the boat
rowing Over reaching mistake Over reaching
rowing Sliding under your shoulders mistake Sliding under your shoulders
rowing Pausing before the catch mistake Pausing before the catch


rowing Catching with the trunk mistake Catching with the trunk
rowing Catching with the arms (grabbing) mistake Catching with the arms (grabbing)
rowing Missing water mistake Missing water
rowing Indirect catch mistake Indirect catch


rowing Use the trunk too early mistake Use the trunk too early
rowing No pressure after the catch mistake No pressure after the catch
rowing Digging dee mistake Digging deep
rowing Kicking through the seat mistake Kicking through the seat
rowing Seesawing of the blade mistake Seesawing of the blade
rowing Overstretching the legs mistake Overstretching the legs
rowing Draw not finished mistake Draw not finished
rowing Pressureless end draw mistake Pressureless end draw
rowing Not enough lay-back mistake Not enough lay-back
rowing  mistake Too much lay-back
rowing Too much lay-back mistake Pull the trunk over the handle(s)


Sculling rowing Incorrect hand position mistake Incorrect hand position
Sculling rowing Handles apart mistake Handles apart
Sculling rowing Right handle to the hip mistake Right handle to the hip
Sculling rowing Wide legged rowing mistake Wide legged rowing
Sculling rowing Not sitting straight mistake Not sitting straight
Sculling rowing Skying mistake Skying

Sweep rowing

Sweep rowing Hands placed incorrect mistake Hands placed incorrect
Sweep rowing Straight inside arm mistake Straight inside arm
Sweep rowing Leaning away from the rigger mistake Leaning away from the rigger
Sweep rowing Skying mistake Skying


Crew rowing No cadence mistake No cadence
Crew rowing Unequal stroke length mistake Unequal stroke length
Crew rowing Unequal stroke segments mistake Unequal stroke segments
Crew rowing Unevenly movement sequence mistake Unevenly movement sequence
Crew rowing Unevenly finish mistake Unevenly finish
Crew rowing Uneven recovery mistake Uneven recovery
Crew rowing Uneven catch mistake Uneven catch
Crew rowing Unequal power distribution mistake Unequal power distribution
Crew rowing No balance in the scull boa mistake No balance in the scull boat
Crew rowing No balance in the sweep boat mistake No balance in the sweep boat
Crew rowing No water-free recovery mistake No water-free recovery
Crew rowing Crew does not support the stroke mistake Crew does not support the stroke

In order to keep the text readable, the masculine form of address is used everywhere. Each rowing mistake is described in the following fixed format:

Mistake: A description of the rowing mistake, or how to recognize it.
Observe: With which observation points the mistake can be obseved? Also see: rowing  mistakeObserve.
Cause: What is the cause of the mistake.
Why is the mistake inconvenient, what makes it important to address it.
Remedy: With which exercises can you tackle this mistake. A distinction has been made between the different training means:
in the rowing  mistakeRowing bin on the rowing  mistakeRowing machine or in the boat. In some cases, the remedy differs per training means. It also happens that a remedy is less suitable for a training means, this is then omitted.
How can the rower notice for himself if he is doing it right or not. What kinesthetic (tactile), auditory (hearing) or visual (looking) feedback can be used.
How can the mistake be observed from the cox position. If this is impossible, this line is omitted.
© 2016 - 2024 Jeroen Brinkman