Rowing dictionary – I |
The length of the oar shaft from the end of the handle to the collar at the point where it will sit against the oarlock. Main article: Inboard handle.
Inboard handle
Rigging element: the part of the oar which runs from the handle up to the oarlock. Main article: Inboard handle.
Incorrect oarlock height
Mistake, whereby the height of the oarlock / oarlocks of the rower is/are not set correctly. Main article: Incorrect oarlock height.
Increasing pressure piece
Conditional exercise in which the pressure and stroke rate is increasing. Main article: Increasing pressure piece.
inner hand
The sweep (with one oar) rower's hand nearest the oarlock. This is the feathering hand. Also see: outer hand.
Fourth and final step in correcting rowing mistakes, where the mistake is actually corrected. Main article: Intervene.
Italian rigged
See: Bucket rigged.
Rowing dictionary – H | |
Rowing dictionary – J |
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